Friday, February 6, 2015


by Antonio C. Antonio
February 4, 2015

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.  Marketing remains to be one of the basic upland problems.

“Marketing problems are brought about by the remote, isolated and poor roads and accessibility.  These landscape characteristics account for marketing problems for upland dwellers.  Poor roads or the non-existence of roads bring about the following ill effects: (1) Poor or non-existent post-harvest facilities which do not add value to upland products; (2) Improper handling of upland produce which results to wastage; (3) Lack of strategic market information; and, (4) Low returns to upland farming activities.” (Antonio, 2015, “Basic Upland Problems”,

The four “M”s of a business plan --- therefore, (1) Manpower, (2) Management/Manufacturing, (3) Materials/Money, and (4) Marketing --- describes the essential components that should spell success to any business or livelihood endeavour.  Most of these “M”s are considered part of the internal environment of the business/livelihood enterprise… except for Marketing which is dictated by external market and economic forces.  But Marketing is the component that brings back capital and financials to be re-infused in the enterprise or livelihood venture and guarantee operational continuity.  It becomes a bit worrisome when Marketing as a influential success factor cannot be controlled and is dependent on external factors.  Marketing, therefore, can be considered a vital component and its importance should be emphasized.  Special and serious focus and concern should be put into Marketing.

Upland livelihood activities are no different than most business ventures in the lowland. Most economic and business management principles apply… including marketing.

Just my little thoughts…

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